5 research outputs found

    A comparative study of science education at the primary school level in Finland and Thailand

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    This research aims to compare science education at the primary school level between Finland and Thailand. The study is divided into three sub-studies concerning: 1) a national science curricula analysis at primary school level based on the PISA scientific literacy framework;2) an analysis of science textbooks on the electric circuit lesson at grade 6; and 3) interviews with primary school teachers regarding Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and General Pedagogical Knowledge (GPK) on the electric circuit lesson at grade 6. These three sub-studies may reflect the holistic science education of the two countries in this comparative study between them. The main research methodology used in this study is the comparative approach and a content analysis technique was used in all three sub-studies. All textual and pictorial information from the science curricula at primary school level, including science textbooks, the electric circuit lesson and the teachers transliterations, were analysed following the inductive and deductive content analysis. Semi-structured interviews were employed for the collection of the interview data. Altogether, six experienced primary school teachers participated three Finnish teachers in Helsinki and three Thai teachers in Bangkok. In addition, a quantitative method was used to describe the findings from the qualitative approach through percentages, bar charts and a Pearson s chi-squared test. The main findings revealed that Finnish science education strongly emphasised conceptual knowledge (according to all three sub-studies) while the Thai science education emphasised procedural knowledge. For example, the Thai curriculum was closer to the PISA framework than was the Finnish curriculum. The Thai curriculum emphasised the scientific process and the Finnish curriculum focused on the concepts and contexts, rather than the process. The Thai textbooks emphasised procedural knowledge, while conceptual knowledge was emphasised mostly in the Finnish textbooks. Lastly, in the interviews the Finnish teachers emphasised the teaching of concepts through textbooks and computer materials. The Thai teachers emphasised the teaching and learning of procedural knowledge and consequently used more experimentation, along with authentic materials in the school laboratory. Both Finnish and Thai curriculum designers and textbook authors could apply the findings of this comparative research. In addition to the similarities and differences, the comparison revealed particular avenues that could be developed in science education. For example, curriculum planners and science educators, not only in Finland and Thailand but also in other countries in the future, may better recognize what should be emphasised in the science curriculum, especially from the perspective of the PISA Scientific Literacy Framework as the international student assessment. Furthermore, textbook authors may apply some of the comparative results of this research to produce high-quality textbooks based on a heightened awareness of the importance of the curriculum and of teachers ideas. Finally, as regards practical issues in the classroom, the Thai teachers may learn how to avoid disciplinary problems from their Finnish counterparts. Further, the Finns may learn from the Thai teachers how to organise laboratory activities for relatively large sized classes and how to balance the learning of conceptual and procedural knowledge.Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on vertailla luonnontieteiden opetusta peruskoulun alaluokilla Suomessa ja Thaimaassa. Tutkimus jakautuu kolmeen osatutkimukseen: 1) kansallisten perusopetuksen luokkien 1-6 opetussuunnitelma-asiakirjojen analysointi PISA-viitekehyksessä; 2) perusopetuksen kuudennen luokan kahden oppikirjan virtapiiriä koskevien osuuksien analysointi; ja 3)luokanopettajien haastattelu koskien heidän käyttämäänsä pedagogista sisältötietoa ja yleistä pedagogista tietoa tilanteessa, jossa opetetaan virtapiiriin liittyviä asioita luokalla 6. Näiden kolmen osa-tutkimuksen avulla saadaan kokonaisvaltaista tietoa luonnontieteiden opetuksesta vertailumaissa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä kaikissa kolmessa osatutkimuksessa on käytetty vertailevan tutkimuksen lähestymistapaa ja klassista sisällönanalyysia. Teksti- ja kuvallinen informaatio kansallisissa opetussuunnitelma-asiakirjoissa ja oppikirjoissa sekä opettajien litteroidut haastattelut analysoitiin induktiivisella ja/tai deduktiivisella sisällön analyysilla. Haastatteluaineisto hankittiin puolistrukturoidulla haastattelulla. Haastatteluun osallistui kolme luokanopettajaa Suomesta ja kolme Thaimaasta pääkaupunkiseuduilta. Sisällön analyysin tuloksia käsiteltiin myös kvantitatiivisella otteella, kuten Pearsonin khin neliötestillä, ja havainnollistettiin pylväsesityksin. Tutkimuksen päätulos on, että suomalainen ala-luokkien luonnontieteiden opetus painottaa käsitteellistä osaamista ja thaimaalainen menetelmällistä osaamista. Tämä tuli selkeästi esille kaikissa kolmessa osatutkimuksessa. Thaimaalainen opetussuunnitelma oli lähempänä PISA viitekehystä kuin suomalainen opetussuunnitelma. Thaimaalainen opetussuunnitelma painotta prosessia ja suomalainen käsitteitä ja konteksteja, joissa käsiteitä kohdataan. Myös haastattelussa suomalaiset opettajat korostivat käsitteiden opettamisen tärkeyttä oppikirjoihin ja digitaalisiin oppimateriaaleihin tukeutuen. Thaimaalaiset opettajat puolestaan painottivat prosessien oppimista ja niiden oppimista tukevien tutkimusten tekemistä koululaboratoriossa. Opetussuunnitelman ja oppikirjojen kirjoittajat voivat käyttää hyväksi vertailevan tutkimuksen tuloksia. Kahden maan opetussuunnitelmien ja oppikirjojen samankaltaisuuksien ja erojen tunnistamisen lisäksi tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan käyttää luonnontieteiden opetuksen kehittämiseen kummassakin maassa. Esimerkiksi opetussuunnitelmien laatijat voivat pohtia tämän tutkimuksen tulosten valossa, mitä ja millä tavalla opetussuunnitelmassa korostetaan ja millä tavalla PISA-tutkimuksen viitekehys ja arviointi on linjassa tai ei ole linjassa opetussuunnitelman kanssa. Oppikirjan kirjoittajat voivat tukeutua oppikirjoja koskevan osatutkimuksen lisäksi myös opetussuunnitelmatutkimuksen tuloksiin ja opettajien haastatteluissa esille tulleisiin opettajien tarpeisiin. Thaiopettajat voivat oppia suomalaisilta opettajilta keinoja työrauhan ylläpitämiseen ja suomalaiset opettajat thaimaalisilta opettajilta keinoja oppilastöiden tekemiseen suuressa luokassa ja lisäksi kuinka löydetään parempi tasapaino käsitteellisen ja menetelmällisen tiedon oppimisen välille

    Technological pedagogical content knowledge of primary school science teachers during the COVID-19 in Thailand and Finland

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    Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) is important for teaching science during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper investigates the TPACK of Finnish and Thai primary school teachers in the context of teaching science through blended learning (BL) during the COVID-19. 11 teachers from Finland and Thailand were interviewed. The interview data were examined using deductive content analysis. The analysis revealed that all teachers used educational technology in their online classes in terms of providing the lesson content, learning activities, and the students’ learning assessment. Zoom and MS Teams were the tools used for online teaching in both countries. The main teaching method used in both types of instruction was experimentation. For online instruction, most teachers considered educational technology in every step of the teaching process to enhance students’ learning of science as much as possible. Many types of direct and technology-mediated interaction appeared during BL, especially during online teaching, which could be designed and analyzed in the context of the TPACK model.Peer reviewe

    A comparative analysis of PISA scientific literacy framework in Finnish and Thai science curricula

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    A curriculum is a master plan that regulates teaching and learning. This paper compares Finnish and Thai primary school level science curricula to the PISA 2006 Scientific Literacy Framework. Curriculum comparison was made following the procedure of deductive content analysis. In the analysis, there were four main categories adopted from PISA framework: (1) knowledge of science (content knowledge), (2) knowledge about science, (3) competences, and (4) contexts. The analysis revealed that the Thai curriculum was more similar to the PISA framework than was the Finnish curriculum. The Thai curriculum emphasizes the scientific process and the Finnish curriculum the concepts and contexts in which these concepts meet, rather than the process.Peer reviewe

    Primary school teachers’ interviews regarding pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and general pedagogical knowledge (GPK)

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    Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and General Pedagogical Knowledge (GPK) are fundamental types of knowledge for a teacher that he or she must use in order to plan, teach in the classroom, and assess students’ learning outcomes. This paper investigates experienced primary school teachers’ PCK and GPK while teaching science in Finland and in Thailand. Teachers’ interview data were analysed by using deductive and inductive content analysis. The analysis units were analysed according to the categories and sub-categories of PCK and GPK. In addition, the frequencies of all PCK and GPK sub-categories were counted and presented by country. The analysis revealed that the Finnish teachers had flexibility in their teaching: they did not have specific techniques with which to handle students; the techniques used depend on the situations occurring at the moment. There were no strict rules for student discipline in the class. They emphasised the teaching of concepts through textbook and computer materials. In Thailand, the teachers emphasised the teaching and learning of procedural knowledge and consequently used experimentation, along with authentic materials in the lab. There were student discipline problems in the classroom; therefore, rules were set up to cope with those problems.Peer reviewe

    Primary school teachers' interviews regarding Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and General Pedagogical Knowledge (GPK)

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    Abstract: Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and General Pedagogical Knowledge (GPK) are fundamental types of knowledge for a teacher that he or she must use in order to plan, teach in the classroom, and assess students' learning outcomes. This paper investigates experienced primary school teachers' PCK and GPK while teaching science in Finland and in Thailand. Teachers' interview data were analysed by using deductive and inductive content analysis. The analysis units were analysed according to the categories and sub-categories of PCK and GPK. In addition, the frequencies of all PCK and GPK sub-categories were counted and presented by country. The analysis revealed that the Finnish teachers had flexibility in their teaching: they did not have specific techniques with which to handle students; the techniques used depend on the situations occurring at the moment. There were no strict rules for student discipline in the class. They emphasised the teaching of concepts through textbook and computer materials. In Thailand, the teachers emphasised the teaching and learning of procedural knowledge and consequently used experimentation, along with authentic materials in the lab. There were student discipline problems in the classroom; therefore, rules were set up to cope with those problems